APA stands for American Psychological Association; it has formats and styles for writing research papers, especially on social science. It has the provision to mention references of many kinds in the body of the paper. A reference list is added at the end of the paper starting with a new page following some standard rules. One kind of reference list is the citation of web publications. Website references may of many types like a review of a book, publication of a research paper, a newspaper article, a music video, a music song, a political party publication, an online article citing with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or without DOI, etc.

APA Reference For Websites and citing other internet sources
Here are APA website citation guidelines and examples:
Online Article citation
Author, & Author (date of publication). Title of article, Title of online periodical, volume number (issue number if available), Retrieved from web address
Saint H. (2008). The Cycle of The Universe. Universal Energy, 167, Retrieved from http://www.Himan.com/universe:
Newspaper Article
Author. (Year, month day), Title of article, title of newspaper, Retrieved from web address
Collins A. (2001 June 6), Inheritance, The Universe, Retrieved from http://www.universe.com/inheritance
Electronic Books (if not available in printed form)
Author (n.d), Title of the book, Retrieved from web page
Vincent. A. (n.d) The Beloved Sky, http://abc.gtre.com/sky
Online Book Review
Reviewer. (Year month day). Name of review source[name of book reviewed], publisher, Retrieved from web page
Blomnut, G. 92009 May 5). Book reviewer[Golden Pond], ABC, Retrieved from http://www. Rgty.com/book.
Online bibliographies
Jurgens, R. (2005). HIV/AIDS in Prisons: A select Annonated Bibliography. Retrieved from http://www. Hc-sc.gc.ca/abc-asc/alt_formats/hpb-dgps/pdf/inactive/hiv-vih-aids-sida-prison-carceral_e.pdf
Online Encyclopedias
Feminism. (n.d) . In Encyclopedia Britannica online. Retrieved from http:://www.britanica/Ebchecked/topic/724633/feminism